Tuesday, January 10, 2012


November and December ended up being  the longest months of the year. Sarah and I convinced ourselves that October was not going to suck, which worked out, but then November came and kicked booty. Many sleepless nights, a bunch of deadlines, exhaustion, tears, thanksgiving, then Christmas.  But we survived; not quite sure how we survived, but we survived.

That week off we had for thanksgiving was a blessing and a curse. It was the BEST because I got to go to San Antonio, Austin, LA, Indio, then Austin again. All in seven days. I got to see friends who I hadn't seen in months, family who I didn't think I was going to be able to see for many more months, and I remembered what it was like to be an irresponsible kid again. Unfortunately, that also means I wasn't in the working mood, and did not want to get back into the routine. Somehow I did, and even though it took some getting used to, it slowly got better.

As many of you know, your largest critic is you. Let me tell ya, I am my best and worst critic. The old Ceci has always been hard on herself, the new ceci  not only is hard on herself, but is now vocalizing her weaknesses even more and is believing them more and more. Luckily, I have Sarah to shut me up and remind me to keep it positive.  Even though I know that I have so much to learn, and I know very well that I am not the teacher who I want to be, I am starting to actually believe that it is going to get better. The two weeks before Christmas vacation it actually began to get better; I'm making better use of my time, I didn't bring home the pizza box full of spiral notebooks to grade, I planned a tad bit more effectively, and I made the kids write me letters on their favorite/worst part of math class.  It also helped that the last two days before vacation we had a Santa's workshop day and a Christmas party day. Then came Christmas vacation.

It was quite possibly the best Christmas vacation I have ever had. Every time I come back to Santa Cruz, after being away for a while, I appreciate it more and more. Out of all the places I've been to in the world (beside machu piccu), I'm convinced it's the most beautiful one. Granted, I'm super uuber bias but  that doesn't change my outlook on it. Home is home.  It was the perfect weather, not hot, not freezing, but cold enough to wear scarves and jackets. I got to enjoy the redwood Forrest with loved ones,  watch the sunset into the pacific, and best part about it, pretended like I had no responsibilities. It was wonderful. I am rejuvenated for the year 2012! I'm ready to teach math like nobodies business. Bring it.  Thank you to all my family and friends who made this trip worth every penny and then some. You da best!

November. De