Thursday, September 15, 2011

Tomorrow is Friday!!!

Good Evening!
It is a beautiful warm Thursday in San Benito. 
The last two weeks have passed so quickly and not a post has been apologies. 
This past Friday was one of the most magical yet. We always attempt to do something fun to celebrate a hard work week. We have been heading out to the island, and each time has held something new, different, or exciting. There were no fireworks (these ended the week before, Labor Day weekend), but there was a night swim on a very vacant beach on South Padre Island. The Moon was having fun with the ocean and we had the opportunity to play within the bantering waves. Sarah, Cecilia, Allie, Tizoc and myself let our skin soak in the salt for over an hour before running, dancing, and somersaulting on the sandy dunes until late in the eve. After realizing we had drifted about 1/2 a mile from our original beach towel location, we traversed a lengthy return that involved some wonderful imagination. Wish you all were with was rather bewitching.
In remembrance of the ten year Anniversary of September 11, I would like to offer the reading suggestion of “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close” by Jonathan Safran Foer. It offers a sad review of a father and friend, lost in a Tower. 
To catch up, I must not forget to fill you in on the teacher’s details. This past Sunday was, by far, the most stressful yet. Grades for the students in IDEA, Sarah’s classes, and for the students in A. Leal Elementary, Ceci’s classes, were due on Monday. The weekend was full of grading, documenting, and tracking....not to mention paper, stacking up everywhere (See notes 1 and 2). 
Note 1: Sarah is using laminated color sheets for much of her quizzes. She's preeeeety awesome. :)
Note 2: We found a wonderful Recycling Center in Harlingen that literally unloads you car and sorts commingled recyclable items. I was somewhat wary the first visit due to the appearance of the shady drive-through warehouse, there were about seven larger rough gentlemen awaiting my little Fit and waving me into the port. Yes, a murder movie set-up. The incident ended quickly, no pun intended, as the men unloaded my vehicle. 
Anyways, turning in grades did happen for both the girls, though some struggles did occur that included timing and the requirement that no child be given below a 50%, even if they deserved it (don’t worry, not many did). Monday was already doing a good job halting our high spirits and grade sending, but then the air-conditioner decided to take the day off...making the indoors a real scorcher. As Ceci retells it, there were multiplication facts flying everywhere, not because the students were emphatic about learning, but because they were being used for fans... 
We had another family dinner Tueasday night, not at our home, but at Will and Kara’s in Harlingen. French Toast, Fruit Salad, Cinnamon Rolls, and OJ...all wonderful. Talk about all of the other TFA struggles definitely made us feel like we are not in it alone.
This week will end with another visit to the island we hope, and maybe a stop at BOBZ, a tourist store on the way to our Island swim. 
For now. 

1 comment:

  1. Gosh guys this sounds just beautiful!! Much love,
